Bus services to/from Arlanda airport
Here you find the buses to and from Stockholm Arlanda Airport.
Frequently asked questions
You can book train and bus journeys to and from Arlanda directly through our booking page. You can also buy your bus ticket on the website for each bus company. In Terminal 4 there are also ticket dispensers which you can use to buy tickets for Vy Bus4You, Vy Airport Coaches and Flixbus. It's also possible to buy bus tickets at the airport's information desk in the arrival hall in Terminal 5.
All buses stop at/leave from Terminal 2 and Terminal 4, with the exception of SL buses which stop at/leave from SkyCity.
No due to the expansion of Terminal 5, with for instance a new security control, there are no longer any bus stops at Terminal 5.
There are digital screens which show what bus stop each bus uses. You'll find the screens both indoors by the exist to the bus stops and outside by the bus stops.
It takes approximately 5-7 minutes to walk from the bus stop at Terminal 4 to Terminal 5. The walk is indoors via SkyCity.
Take bus Swedavia P2 Beta to the car rental. The bus leaves from Terminal 2 and Terminal 4.
Which buses go to and from Arlanda Airport?
Arlanda Airport - Stockholm C - Arlanda Airport
Arlanda Airport - Liljeholmen
Arlanda Airport - Brommaplan
Stops at Terminal 2 and Terminal 4.
For more information and to buy tickets, see flygbussarna.se.
Stops at Terminal 2 and Terminal 4.
Arlanda Airport – Stockholm C – Arlanda Airport
Arlanda Airport – Västerås - Örebro – Arlanda Airport
For more information and to buy tickets, see flixbus.se.
Stops at Terminal 2 and Terminal 4.
For more information and to buy tickets, see vybuss.com.
Stops at Terminal 2 and Terminal 4.
For more information and to buy tickets, see mohlinsexpressbuss.se.
Takes to to lot P2, car rental and Jumbo Stay.
Stops at Terminal 2 and Terminal 4.
Click here to see more information and how often the bus leaves.
Takes to to lot P3, Radisson Blu Arlandia and Jumbo Stay.
Stops at Terminal 2 and Terminal 4.
Click here to see more information and how often the bus leaves.
Transfer to long term parking located outside the airport.
Stops at Terminal 2 and Terminal 4.