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Disruption at Swedavia's IT supplier Tieto Evry affects internal administrative system – airports' aviation operations and passengers unaffected

2024-01-25, kl. 12:49

The ongoing operational disruption has a limited impact on Swedavia’s activity and does not affect the airports' aviation operations or passengers.

The part that is currently affected is the internal financial system (IFS), which has an impact on the processing of supplier payments, among other things.

The disruption in IFS will therefore require a certain amount of manual processing during a transition period and will result in longer processing times.

Swedavia will inform the suppliers and other external parties about the situation.

In line with Swedavia's procedures, the disruption has been reported to the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection (IMY), and a routine police report will be submitted.

Swedavia is maintaining a continuous dialogue with IT supplier Tieto Evry.