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Our social responsibility

Human rights

Respect for human rights is an integral part of existing processes and procedures, such as risk management, health and safety as well as equal treatment. We work continuously to enhance methods to identify, prioritise and assess the impact of operations on human rights throughout the value chain.

In accordance with the UN’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, we have surveyed and identified the risks of operations having a negative impact on human rights. Based on this due diligence, internal processes for systematically identifying all kinds of risks to human rights have been enhanced, so that priorities are systematically set for what risks require immediate management.

The commitment to respect human rights is included in our Code of Conduct. The code, which has been adopted by the Board, specifies clear expectations of how our employees and suppliers shall conduct themselves.

Local network against human trafficking

Through collaboration and increased knowledge about human trafficking, the network Arlanda Against Human Trafficking helps to create a safer Stockholm Arlanda Airport for both customers and employees and draw attention to the victims caught in the modern-day slave trade. The network consists of companies and organisations operating at or in the vicinity of the airport.

Sustainable supply chain

A well-functioning supply chain helps us to achieve our goals. It is therefore important to have an understanding of the supplier market and the challenges found in our procurement areas and where our sustainability risks are.

We comply with the Swedish Act on Public Procurement in the Utilities Sector (LUF) and the Swedish Act on Procurement of Concessions (LUK) as well as the Swedish Public Procurement Act (LOU) in some procurement areas. These laws set requirements for how procurement is to be conducted and specify that there must be monitoring of the requirements set.

Swedavia Procurement works based on categories, which are established depending on what the supplier market looks like. There are14 main categories, divided into some 90 sub-categories. We have agreements with around 750 of our approximately 4,000 suppliers. In our assessment, 75 of these are strategically important to operations so there is a greater focus placed on monitoring work for these. An additional assessment is made to define the 20 top-risk suppliers from an operational perspective, with the aim being to monitor these especially closely.

We have implemented a support system to monitor suppliers from a sustainability perspective in a structured way through risk assessments. Initially, the 75 strategically most important suppliers will be subject to a risk assessment. The risks are assessed based on the aspects environment, human rights, social responsibility and anti-corruption. Where possible, we obtain support from the Swedish National Agency for Public Procurement’s library of criteria for sustainability requirements in procurement and monitoring.

Business ethics

Ethical responsibility is an essential requirement for the sustainability work that constitutes the foundation of our operations. The entire organisation is involved in the proactive, long-term work to safeguard and develop the four areas:

  • anti-corruption
  • human rights
  • social relations and employees
  • environmental concern

In each of the four areas, we work based on our business ethics process wheel. Risks are identified on a continuous basis and analysed in part through workshops and then incorporated for handling in relevant parts of operations. Swedavia’s Code of Conduct, together with a number of other governing documents, governs this work. Training and dialogues in the operations are conducted on an ongoing basis, and opportunities for follow-up are provided.


The whistleblower function has been adopted by our Board of Directors and is based on the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection’s guidelines.

Our whistleblower function enables employees and the general public to report any suspicion of such irregularities that could have serious consequences for us and the environment, in other words, something that is not in line with our values and policies.   

Read more about the whistleblower function.