Proud facts
Sweden ranks among the world's most successful countries based on a number of important political and economic measures, according to the World Economic Forum's latest report.

The report lists areas in which Sweden has a top ranking, such as business culture, competitiveness, gender equality, level of corruption, reputation, innovation and language skills. Sweden was also ranked number one in the business weekly Forbes' annual list of the best countries to do business in.
Sweden is considered to be highly competitive. We had stable economic growth of 3.7% in 2016, with two variables being low unemployment and a high percentage of women in the workforce. Sweden was also ranked number one in the business weekly Forbes' annual list of the best countries to do business in. We were ranked fourth best in Transparency International's latest Corruption Perceptions Index.
The report also takes into consideration "soft" values, such as Sweden being a country that cares about families, with free pre-school and 16 months of parental leave being two factors. Sweden is also considered to be a good country to grow old in. Moreover, Sweden gives high priority to its environmental responsibility, freedom of the press and ensuring that the country is safe for women.
These favourable conditions will most likely attract both leisure and business travellers to Sweden.
Read the World Economic Forum's full report here.