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New regulations for flying drones

2018-02-01, kl. 08:00

On February 1, 2018, the Swedish Transport Agency’s new regulations for flying drones went into effect. The regulations now also cover users who operate them privately.

On February 1, 2018, the Swedish Transport Agency’s new regulations for flying drones went into effect. The regulations now also cover users who operate them privately.

Technological advances and drone technology entail incredible opportunities but also great responsibility. It is important that drone users know what is permitted in terms of where and how they may flow drones.

The new regulations for flying unmanned aerial vehicles stipulate, among other things, that a drone can only be flown at a distance greater than 5 kilometres from the take-off and landing runway at an airport as well as 1 kilometre from a helicopter landing area and that flying is not permitted over a short distance or in such a way that can disrupt a rescue operation in progress.

Safety is a priority in aviation operations. A violation of the Swedish Transport Agency’s regulations puts people’s safety at risk. The Swedish Transport Agency’s regulations are designed to ensure safe conditions in air space and to prevent injuries or accidents. If there is a violation of the Swedish Transport Agency’s regulations, the pilot of the drone risks a fine or imprisonment.

Anyone who has purchased or flies a drone is responsible for knowing how and where it is to be used.

Links from the Swedish Transport Agency (in Swedish):

Overview of new regulations for drones

FAQs about drones

The Swedish Transport Agency’s regulations on unmanned aerial vehicles

Link from LFV, the Swedish Civil Aviation Administration (in Swedish):

Drone map

For further information, please contact:

Swedavia press office, +46 (0)10-10 90 100 or press@swedavia.se