Children sometimes need to travel on their own. Here you'll find information about how the process works.

Frequently asked questions
Assistance service entails trained staff taking care of the child for the entire journey.
You book assistance service via your airline.
- to specify hat you would like assistance service for an unaccompanied child when making the booking.
- to book your child’s flight well in advance since the number of children flying unaccompanied per flight is limited.
- that most airlines charge a service fee for unaccompanied children. Check with the airline to see what it costs for a child flying unaccompanied.
Children may travel alone, with assistance service, from the age of 5. Until what age children may travel with assistance service can vary from airline to airline. We recommend you check age requirements with your airline.
The child's caregiver must present a valid form of identification at check-in. This applies regardless of where your child is travelling.
To make sure the right person is picking up your child, the person meeting the child must also show a valid form of identification.
- Unaccompanied children cannot board the aircraft if there is a risk that the weather will be so bad that it may be difficult to land at the destination.
- For other situations, for instance if there is a delay, your child will get both information and assistance.
- The caregiver will naturally also recieve detailed information about all changes.
Assistance service - step by step
1. You will receive a so-called handling document. Fill in personal data about your child, their itinerary and the name of the person who will meet the child on arrival. The document is signed by the caregiver.
2. At the airport, you help your child check in and drop off baggage. You must present a valid form of identification at check-in. You must remain at the airport until your child’s plane has taken off.
3. Your child will be assisted by staff through the security checkpoint, up to the gate and on board the aircraft.
4. EU regulations stipulate that only those who have a boarding card may pass through the security checkpoint and enter the transit area. If your child is flying domestically to another destination in Sweden, you can disregard these regulations and accompany your child all the way to the gate. Contact staff at the airport so they can assist you.
5. On board, the cabin crew help your child find the right seat, keep an eye on them throughout the flight and help the child off the plane on arrival.
6. On arrival, staff meet your child at the aircraft, take care of any baggage and accompany them through customs and passport control. After this, the child is handed over to the person assigned to meet the child (the adult named in the handling document). To make sure this is the right person, we need to see a valid form of identification from the person meeting the child.